Test A Framework for Assessing High School Students' Statistical Reasoning



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1.     Idiosyncratic reasoning, verbal reasoning, transitional reasoning, procedural reasoning, and integrated process reasoning are called:

A.    Five key construct of statistical reasoning

B.    Five components of statistical reasoning

C.    Five levels of statistical reasoning

D.    All answer are correct


2.     Describing data, organizing and reducing data, represeting data, and analyzing and interpreting data are called:

A.    Four key components of statistical reasoning

B.    Four key construct of statistical reasoning

C.    Four key level of statistical reasoning

D.    All answer are correct


3.     The newly developed statistical reasoning framework provides a guide for:

A.    Planning learning goals

B.    Designing instruction

C.    Formulating assessments

D.    All answers are correct


4.     Today, statistical reasoning has become a ubiquitous part of many diciplines, such as:

A.    Business

B.    Education

C.    Engineering

D.    All answers are correct


5.     High school students appear to have poor statistical reasoning ability, and they often harbor numerous misconceptions about statistical reasoning, as found in:

A.    Preliminary studies

B.    Continuing studies

C.    Advance studies

D.    All asnwer are correct


6.     The initial statistical reasoning framework in the present study was developed from the five levels of statistical reasoning of Garfield’s article on:

A.    J Stat Educ. 2000

B.    J Stat Educ. 2002

C.    J Stat Educ. 2004

D.    J Stat Educ. 2006


7.     Statistical reasoning is a neglected area, particularly compared to the areas of:

A.    Statistical literacy

B.    Statistical thinking

C.    Statistical descripting

D.    All answer are correct


8.     Students can use several statistical words and symbols but cannot completely comprehend and relate them to the appropriate information. This is categorized as:

A.    Verbal reasoning

B.    Idiosyncratic reasoning

C.    Transitional reasoning

D.    Procedural reasoning


9.     Students can identify statistical processes accurately, but they still lack the ability to fully comprehend or integrate them. This is categorized as:

A.    Idiosyncratic reasoning

B.    Transitional reasoning

C.    Procedural reasoning

D.    Integrated process reasoning


10.  Sensorimotor (from birth), iconic (from approximately 18 months), concrete-symbolic (from approximately 6 years), formal (from approximately 14 years), and post-formal (from approximately 20 years) are called:

A.    Five modes of functioning

B.    Five modes of reasoning

C.    Five mode of thinking

D.    All answers are correct


11.  The SOLO model also has five levels of understanding, which are pre structural, unit structural, multi structural, relational, and extended abstract of:

A.    Biggs J B, Collis K F (1982)

B.    Biggs J B, Collis K F (1991)

C.    Tarr J E, Jones G A (1997)

D.    Pegg J, Tall D O (2005)


Have a good work!


Ref: A Framework for Assessing High School Students Statistical Reasoning


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