Test The Challenges of Teaching Probability in School


Pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat menurut Anda dengan memberi tanda silang (×) pada huruf di depan jawaban pilihan Anda!


1.     Prior to probability and statistics becoming a mainstream strand, probability was only taught, if it all:

A.    At the high school level

B.    At the elementary school level

C.    At the pre school level

D.    All answer are correct


2.     In the elementary school curriculum, key ideas included the exploration and description of random phenomena arising socially and from:

A.    The representation

B.    Random generators

C.    Ordering of random outcomes

D.    All answer are correct


3.     Probability distributions were also used to suppport work in:

A.    Statistical inference

B.    Descriptive statistics

C.    Sampling statistics

D.    All answers are correct


4.     In statistics, variation refers to the differences exhibited by a sample of data values around some center such as:

A.    A proportion

B.    A range

C.    A mean

D.    All answer are correct


5.     With respect to probability, variation is a key element of randomization in that outcomes vary about some:

A.    Expected value

B.    Extreme value

C.    Normal value

D.    All answer are correct


6.     In referring to the knowledge elements of his probability literacy framework, Gal (p. 46) includes familiar elements such as big ideas:

A.    Independence

B.    Predictability

C.    Uncertainty

D.    All answer are correct


7.     Watson (1997, 2006) recommend that children should examine critical questions beginning in:

A.    The primary grades

B.    The secondary grades

C.    The higher grades

D.    All answer are correct


8.     Steinbring (e.g., 1991), highlighted the importance of empirical estimation of probability:

A.    Frequentist orientation

B.    Theoretical orientation

C.    Classical orientation

D.    All answer are correct


9.     There was a recognition that students of all ages would bring to the classroom misconceptions in probability for example mention by:

A.    Konold, 1989

B.    Shaughnessy, 1992

C.    Tversky & kahnemann, 1974

D.    All answer are correct


10.  The emerging research on students’ understanding of probability highlighted the need for greater curriculum emphasis on fundamental elements like:

A.    Variation and randomization

B.    Descriptive and inferential

C.    Sampling and population

D.    All answer are correct


11.  In that critical questions can be readily extracted from:

A.    Media reports

B.    Financial reports

C.    Scientific reports

D.    All answer are correct


12.  Variation is the sine qua non of:

A.    Both statistics and probability

B.    Proability only

C.    Statistics only

D.    All answer are correct


Have a good work!


Ref: The Challenges of Teaching Probability in School


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